
D.P. Season 1 & 2 in Urdu Hindi Dubbed


D.P. is a Korean Drama Dubbed in Urdu/Hindi Language and You can get all the episodes from the below Download button. Click on the below button and enjoy your favorite drama. Don’t forget to join our telegram channel for new drama updates.


Drama Details

Country: South Korean
Dubbed: Hindi & Urdu
Release Date: Aug 27, 2021
Total Episodes: 6+6
Status: Complete

Plot Summary

D.P. is a gripping Korean drama that revolves around the life of Ahn Jun-ho, a young soldier serving in the South Korean military. He is assigned to a unique unit called the “Deserter Pursuit” team, whose primary mission is to track down and apprehend military personnel who have gone AWOL (Absent Without Leave) or deserted their posts.

As Jun-ho starts performing his duties, he experiences the harsh reality of military life and the struggles faced by soldiers. He witnesses firsthand the mental and emotional toll that military service can take on individuals, leading some to make the difficult decision to desert. This exposure to the soldiers’ stories begins to challenge his perceptions of loyalty, duty, and morality.

Throughout the series, Jun-ho becomes deeply conflicted about his role in pursuing these deserters. He starts to question the military’s strict hierarchy and the treatment of soldiers within the system. As he interacts with the deserters, he discovers that their reasons for leaving vary greatly, ranging from personal issues to unjust treatment…


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